August 2016 - Delsuites' Blog
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August 2016

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DelSuites Achieves TripAdvisor Certificate

August 19, 2016

TripAdvisorThe Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence is an impressive accolade that is awarded to the best businesses listed on the review website. It honours restaurants, hotels and attractions that receive great traveller reviews consistently. There are many establishments around the world that have earned this award for delivering superior customer service and DelSuites is proud to announce that it is one of them for the third consecutive year.

DelSuites is thrilled to have qualified for this distinction three years in a row, which is a reflection of the fact that they have dedicated themselves to offering their customers an excellent experience. Cliff Norton, Director of Sales, states “It is very easy and common for a company to call itself customer centric, however, there can be no greater measure of being a customer focused company than actual customer reviews and an award based on their reviews.”

Qualifying for the Certificate of Excellence

The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is now in its 6th year. In order to qualify for this award, a business must have an overall Tripadvisor rating of at least four out of five stars. Also, it must have a minimum number of reviews in order to qualify, including a minimum volume of reviews that have been received within the last 12 months.TripAdvisor

Only the top 10% of the businesses on the review website qualify for this prestigious award. The winners include top notch hotels and restaurants from all over the world. Because the award is based on the reviews of the customers, it is truly a reflection of those businesses that go above and beyond to make sure that their customers have the best possible experience. DelSuites is honoured to be named among the other businesses that have qualified for this award.

TripAdvisor – Your Source for Travel Reviews

Kim 2TripAdvisor is one of the most valuable resources for travellers, as it allows users to view millions of reviews of hotels, hostels, resorts, tour agencies, attractions, restaurants and more. These objective user reviews allow travellers to plan their trips based on real experiences by other visitors. TripAdvisor was one of the first websites to adopt this model and it pioneered the way in user-generated content, creating an example for many other types of review websites that came after it.

TripAdvisor also operates more than 24 other travel brands, including Vacation Home Rentals, TravelPod, Airfare Watchdog, Cruise Critic, Jet Setter, Flip Key, Gate Guru, The Fork, Smarter Travel and much more. It is one of the biggest brands on the travel scene and the go-to place that travellers go when they want to read an unbiased review before booking a trip.

After receiving the Certificate of Excellence for the third year in a row, DelSuites will continue to go above and beyond to provide the best possible travel experience for its guests from all over the world.

View the DelSuites TripAdvisor press release.

Business Travel, Family Vacations in Toronto, Lifestyle talk, Toronto Family Travel, Vacation Travel

Tips to Maximize Space in Condo Rentals

August 12, 2016

Maximize Space in Condo RentalsStaying in a furnished condo rental offers a lot of advantages compared to staying in a hotel room – with increased space being one of the biggest perks. You’ll have a bedroom, fully equipped kitchen, dining area and living room – rather than being cramped into one room. Having these separate areas means that multiple people can relax, sleep and eat without disturbing each other.So, since you have all of this space during your stay – how can you make the most of it? Here are some tips to maximize space in condo rentals.

Unpack Properly

No matter how neatly they might have been packed, backpacks and suitcases have a tendency to “explode” all over the room. As you hunt for a particular piece of clothing, all of the items in your bag will get taken out and will start to take up floor space.Maximize Space in Condo Rentals

In order to give yourself more room, a tip to maximize space in condo rentals is to stay organized and make your condo look less cluttered. Its worth taking the extra time to properly unpack. Most condos will have a closet, a wardrobe or a chest of drawers which you can use to organize your clothes. Once you are unpacked, tuck away your luggage somewhere and you’ll have much more room.

Use Every Part of the Condo

It’s tempting just to eat dinner in front of the TV and leave the table unused, but it’s there so you may as well take advantage of it. Separating your actions into their appropriate spaces can have a lot of benefits. For example, if you take the time to properly set the table and sit down to your meal, you’ll focus on the food and enjoy it a lot more than you would if you ate it while distracted as you watch TV.

Don’t Forget the BaMaximize Space in Condo Rentalslcony

If your condo has a balcony, this is a huge perk so don’t ignore it! Even just taking 10 minutes every morning to sip your coffee in the fresh air while admiring the view will start your day off on a positive note. You’ll be more likely to use the balcony if there is somewhere to sit, so if there isn’t a chair out there already you can put one out there.

Utilize the Sofa Bed

Many condos will offer you the option of a pull out sofa bed. This can be a really smart solution that will allow you to sleep extra people in your condo. For example, a couple travelling with a child can save money by renting a one-bedroom furnished apartment with a sofa bed rather than a two-bedroom condo. In the morning, simply take five minutes to fold up the bed and it becomes part of the living room space.

Your furnished condo offers you a lot of space, so make sure you use these simple tips to maximize space in condo rentals to its full potential and make the most of it!