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Energy Conservation

Condo Energy Saving Tips

April 1, 2024

Even if you live in a condo with a relatively small footprint, you may still be using a significant amount of energy – which can add up over time. Fortunately, there are many little things that you can do which will help you to cut down on your energy consumption. These small condo energy-saving tweaks can add up over time and make a big difference in your energy bill.

Here are some helpful tips. They might not all be relevant to your condo, but there will be many that you can start implementing right away to cut back on energy use.

 Condo Energy Saving Tips

-Ensure that the furniture in your apartment is not blocking any of the vents.

-Try to avoid running your dishwasher or other appliances during peak hours, to save time and energy. Check the Ontario Energy Board to find out when the peak and off-peak hours are, as they change according to the season.

-Also, when you run the washing machine make sure that you do a full load, as this will be more efficient.

-Washing your laundry on the “cold” setting will save even more power.

-Watch out for energy “vampires” which are devices that use power when they are plugged in – even if you aren’t using them. A good strategy is to plug everything into a power bar so that you can switch it all off at once.

-LED lighting really makes a difference! Although they are more expensive upfront, an LED light bulb will last 8-15 times longer and will use 1/3 to 1/5 of the electricity that an old-fashioned incandescent bulb would use.

-When you go out on a hot day, keep your curtains closed to block the sun from heating your apartment – so you won’t have to use so much AC.

-Make sure that you clean your vents regularly, including the exhaust fan in the bathroom, as this will help to keep them running more efficiently.

-Filling your fridge with full water jugs will help to keep it colder and make it run more efficiently.

-Heating water also uses energy, so avoid taking excessively long showers and turn the tap off when you are shaving or brushing your teeth.

With a few clever tweaks, you can make sure that your energy use in your condo is as efficient as possible. You’ll be amazed at how the little changes add up!

Looking for more sustainable ways to conserve energy while travelling?

Stay with us in a DelSuite short-term rental in Toronto and choose green and eco-friendly options, high-efficiency units and decisions to reduce waste, water and energy.

Fitness and Health, Lifestyle talk, Medical Stays

How to Make Medical Stay Travel Comfortable

March 20, 2024

Many people travel for medical care and they do so for many reasons – whether it’s due to costs, a long wait list, to see a specialist doctor or a need for a treatment that isn’t available in their area. No matter what the reason, here are some tips that will make medical travel more comfortable.

Speak to Other Patients and Medical Staff – Medical Stay Travel

One of the most helpful ways to prepare for medical stay travel is to speak with past patients and medical staff. What was their experience like? What do they recommend to make the trip go more smoothly?  Talking to someone who has first-hand knowledge is incredibly valuable. Your doctor or hospital contact may have a list of past patients who have granted authorization to be contacted by prospective patients.

Keep Your Documents Organized

You’ll need to bring medical records with you, such as X-rays, prescriptions, immunization records and other information. Make sure that you make copies and leave one set of copies in a safe Medical Stay Travelplace at home. Also, ensure that you have the correct travel visa for your trip.

Find an Accommodation Near Your Treatment Centre

When you are travelling for medical stays, the last thing you want to do is spend a lot of time commuting across the city back and forth to the hospital. Look for a furnished condo rental in Toronto that is close to your treatment centre so that you can get to your appointments quickly and easily.

Serviced apartments offer spacious bedrooms and living spaces that will allow enough room to recover in comfort. Also, you’ll have plenty of room to bring friends or family members along to assist you.

Ask If They Offer Medical Rates

Your accommodation provider may offer a discounted rate if you let them know that you are going to be staying there for medical stay travel. This can help to keep the expenses of your trip down, so it’s certainly worth asking about!

Look for Self Catered Accommodation

Medical Stay TravelThere’s something very comforting and convenient about having your own fully equipped kitchen in your accommodation. If you have to stick to a particular diet for medical reasons, it will be easier when you can choose your ingredients and cook your meals. Also, sometimes after spending a day on appointments with doctors, you might not feel like going out for dinner and may prefer to eat in.

Home Health Care and Medical Services

There are services which will support you with home health care and medical supplies while you are travelling for medical treatment. DelSuites partners with AgTa and Essentially You to provide a number of health services in their furnished apartments, including wheelchairs, canes, crutches, personal care, meal preparation, rehabilitation and much more. They also provide babysitting services if you need someone to watch your children if you need.

If you require healthcare services or supplies during your stay, contact them to find out more about the options.

Providing Flexible Living Options

Are you looking for a short-term furnished rental for over 30 days in downtown Toronto? Be sure to start your search today for a suite for your medical stay located closest to where you need to receive care today.

Business Travel, Corporate Housing, Relocation

Making it Easy – HR to Relocate Employees

March 2, 2024

One of the main roles of an HR professional is to take care of the company’s employees, ensuring that they have everything they need to achieve success in their new role. When you send out key players to a new location, one of the best ways to support them and relocate employees is to set them up with a great place to stay.

Where Do Employees Stay When They Relocate?

Let’s say you are relocating an employee to Toronto on a short-term assignment or project. You can either doom them to a stay in a cramped hotel room where they will have to get work done on a tiny table in the corner and eat dinner in bed, or you can set them up with a full apartment so they can live comfortably. This is especially important when these employees are relocating for work with family and partners, as they will require more space and amenities.

When you offer high quality, comfortable and convenient accommodation for your employees, this will have a positive effect on your bottom line in the way of improved employee satisfaction and better retention. Plus, when employees have a comfortable place to live they will arrive at work happy, healthy, well-rested and ready to perform their best.

Relocate Employees

Advantages for HR to Relocate Employees into DelSuites Furnished Apartments

When you are relocating employees into furnished apartments in Toronto, they will be more comfortable than in a hotel room. Here are some of the features that a DelSuites fully furnished rental suite offers:

  • 24-hour customer service, secured parking and housekeeping.
  • A fully equipped kitchen with state-of-the-art appliances, allowing for convenient self-catering.
  • A spacious living area with a separate dining and sleeping area.
  • Convenient locations close to the most important neighborhoods and transit in Toronto, so that employees don’t have to spend a lot of time commuting.
  • High-speed internet and free local and long-distance phone calls.
  • Underground, assigned parking with 24-hour building security.
  • En-suite laundry facilities.
  • Many of our properties are pet friendly so that employees can bring their beloved animal companions when they relocate.
  • A friendly team of experienced staff who will welcome all guests in a professional, helpful way.

These apartments allow employees to have a residential experience while remaining close to the office. Also, they will be able to have a social life, as this style of accommodation enables them to invite family or friends over to visit.  Plus, long-term corporate apartment rentals are much more cost-effective than daily hotel rates. When factoring in the benefits of amenities, there are significant savings.

These apartments are the ideal way to bridge the gap between onboarding and a permanent relocation. With comfortable surroundings such as these, employees can ease into their new environment when arriving for a position.

To find out more about our corporate furnished apartments in Toronto for human resources, click here to learn more about Employee Relocation.

Business Travel, Corporate Housing, Lifestyle talk, Relocation, Toronto Family Travel, toronto toursim

How to Welcome an Employee Relocating

January 17, 2024

Thoughtful relocation support can make a big difference and can positively impact the performance and overall happiness of your new team member. So, how can you make your employee relocating feel right at home in their new city? Here are some ways that you can welcome your new employees so that you can make a great impression on them from the start.

Employee Relocating – Give Them a Welcome Pack

This is a lovely gesture that will make your new employee feel special. You can give it to them on the first day at work, or have it waiting for them at their accommodation. What should you put in it? How about:

  • A warm and friendly letter welcoming them to the city and the company.
  • A guide to the city with suggestions on interesting spots to visit.
  • Local snacks or cookies.
  • A bottle of wine or a case of local beer.
  • A map of the area where they will be living.
  • Coupons for discounts or freebies at local businesses.

Provide Them With Convenient Accommodation

Employee RelocatingPlacing your new employees in a hotel until they can move into a more permanent home isn’t a great solution, especially if they need to stay there for a month or longer. Instead, provide them with a furnished corporate housing apartment where they can enjoy all of the comforts of home, such as a kitchen, washer and dryer, living room, office space and parking.

Plus, make sure that they are located close to where they will be working. They are new to the city and they don’t want to be spending all of their time getting lost while commuting.

Create a Helpful Checklist

When locating a new province or country, there are a lot of things that your new employee will need to think about when getting themselves settled in their new home. This can be overwhelming for them, as there are so many things to do and it’s hard to know what is time-sensitive and what isn’t.

It can be very helpful to create a checklist for your employee relocating, to help them understand what needs to be done and what their priorities are. It will break down the large and overwhelming task into simpler and more manageable pieces. For reference, here’s a helpful checklist for employees moving to Canada from abroad.

Host Opportunities to Socialize

Employee RelocatingWhen your new employee arrives, they will likely not know anyone in the city and might feel a little bit lonely. You can make them feel more at home by hosting events where they will have a chance to make friends.

You can also offer information to them about other opportunities to meet people. If you aren’t sure what to suggest, ask your existing employees what events or get-togethers they attend or what things they did in the city to make friends when they first arrived. Many different activities and groups will welcome newcomers and make them feel like part of the community.

If you are looking for more information about employee relocation be sure to learn more about Employee Relocation and if you are looking for a place around Toronto, be sure to search which short-term rental works best for you.

Lifestyle talk

Trick or Treating Safety Tips Halloween

October 23, 2023

Trick or Treating Safety TipsHalloween is one of the most exciting nights of the year for your little ones. They get to dress up in costumes and spend the evening knocking on doors and getting heaps of candy. It’s a quintessential childhood experience – but as the responsible adult, you play an important role in making sure trick or treating is done safely. Here are some trick-or-treating safety tips to keep in mind so that you can make sure your kids have a safe and happy Halloween.

Make Sure Their Costumes Are Visible

Wearing a black Batman cape at dusk means that drivers will have a very hard time seeing your child as they try to cross the road. Instead, go for bright and colourful costumes or attach reflective tape to the costume. Also, your child can carry glow sticks, a flashlight or any other type of flashing device to make them more visible in the dark.

Can They Move and See Clearly?

Sometimes the trouble with masks and hooded costumes is that they restrict vision. Your child may struggle to see out of the small eye holes in the mask, which could cause them to walk into traffic or take a nasty fall. It is better to wear face paint rather than masks so that your child’s vision is not obstructed. Also, make sure that their costume doesn’t restrict their movement and make them more likely to trip and fall over such as a long skirt dragging on the ground.

Be Smart Around Strangers

Some other trick or treating safety tips are to trick or treat in a familiar neighbourhood where you know most of the people who live there. Make sure that your child knows that they should never go inside someone’s house unless they know them. Only trick or treat at well-lit houses and do not approach someone’s property if the lights are not on.

Trick or Treating Safety TipsCheck Out the Candy Before Eating

When your child arrives home with a bag filled with sweets, make sure that you give it an inspection before you let them dig in. Watch out for any items that they are allergic to, or any sweets that look like they have been tampered with or are not in their original wrapping. You mTrick or Treating Safety Tipsight want to place the Halloween candy somewhere on a high shelf so that you can dole out a reasonable amount and avoid a candy binge sugar rush and subsequent crash.

Alone or With Adults?

Children that are quite young should always trick or treat with an adult, or at least with a responsible teenage sibling or family friend. However, your older pre-teen children may be able to trick or treat in a group without an adult. You know your own child and how responsible they are – so use your judgement. When they go out you should know what neighbourhood they will be trick or treating in, they should be contactable via mobile phone and they should agree to be back by a specific time.

Another thing to add is if your child is also showcasing some symptoms of a cold or flu, it might be best for them to stay home.

If you are looking for fun things to do or wondering where to buy a costume, check out this guide to find out the latest on what’s going on in Toronto!

Keep these trick-or-treating safety tips in mind for a fun and safe Halloween!