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“Spirit of Partnership” Awarded from Oakwood Worldwide

June 24, 2016

Oakwood WorldwideDelSuites is proud to announce that it has been recognized by Oakwood Worldwide and has been granted the Spirit of Partnership Award. This prestigious award was announced during the Corporate Housing Providers Association annual conference.

Oakwood Worldwide is the global leader in the field of serviced apartments and corporate housing and it recognizes the best supply chain partners from North America at the annual Corporate Housing Providers Association conference. Other awards were given out during the conference for other achievements in the industry, such as highest service level, highest volume and more. This conference is one of the most important events in the corporate housing industry.

The Spirit of Partnership Award

This award is not for the accommodation with the most room nights or the best customer scores, but for the company that will go above and beyond to help Oakwood in any way possible. The Spirit of Partnership award celebrates companies that are involved in the community around them and are actively working to make it a better place.

This award is a direct reflection of the positive attitude and excellent customer service approach that DelSuites has. In everything that they do, DelSuites goes further and strives to be involved in the community in positive ways. It is an honour to receive this award, as it highlights the dedication DelSuites has to improving the world around them.

A Commitment to the Community

DelSuites recently visited the Toronto Humane Society and donated five bags of gently used towels to this organization. The Humane Society cares for the health of stray animals and provides them with shelter, medical care and spay and neutering services.

The organization is run by volunteers who work to match the animals with their new homes, socialize them, groom them, walk them, play with them and feed them. By getting involved with the Toronto Humane Society and donating these used towels, DelSuites is contributing to a healthier and happier community. Working together with the Toronto Humane Society is just one of the ways that DelSuites contributes to improving the city and the lives of animals and people in the community.


About me, Community Events, Events, Giving Back

Giving back to the Toronto Humane Society

May 26, 2016

Toronto Humane SocietyDelsuites cares about the local community and makes an effort to contribute and make the world a better place. That’s why they recently got involved with the Toronto Humane Society and donated five bags of gently used towels.

During a recent visit at the shelter, Lauren and Suelyn were able to take a tour inside the Toronto Humane Society and visit with all the animals that are currently in their care. They met with a wide range of animals that are up for adoption.  They also got to meet animals who had recently undergone surgery and learned a little bit about the history of the organizatioToronto Humane Societyn.

The Importance of Donations and Volunteers

The Toronto Humane Society is a non-government funded charity organization that relies on donations of any sort; whether that means supplies from pet stores, food donations or monetary donations from a wide range of sources. You can also become a monthly donor at the Toronto Humane Society and provide the animals with the daily support they need for as little as 60 cents per day. Also, they wouldn’t be able to operate without the help of over 500 volunteers who help at the society on a yearly basis.

These volunteers have a number of very important roles involved with keeping the centre running and taking care of the animals. Their daily roles include walking dogs, socializing the animals, providingToronto Humane Society them with care and grooming. They will bottle feed kittens, cuddle with puppies and socialize other small species including: mice, guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters.

The Toronto Humane Society also provides public spay and neuter services for cats and dogs in order to reduce the number of kittens and puppies that enter the shelter every year.

A Positive Impact on the CommunityToronto Humane Society

The services that the Toronto Humane Society offers benefit the community in a lot of positive ways, which is why Delsuites is thrilled to donate and support what they do. First and foremost, they change the lives of dogs and cats who may otherwise be injured or living on the streets. Also, by offering free & low-cost spaying and neutering services they reduce the number of stray animals that wind up on the streets.

The medical and behavioural programs the Toronto Humane Society offers sets up the animals to lead a happy and healthy life in their new homes and give them the best opportunity to thrive. The society focuses on prevention and education and it takes a leadership role with partnering shelters. The educational programs that it offers empower people to take care of their animals.

Without the work that they do, the number of unwanted births would skyrocket and drive greater numbers of animals into the shelter. To find out more about the Toronto Humane Society and what they do, or perhaps find your own furry companion a forever home, you can visit their website.

Community Events, Events, Giving Back

DelSuites Gives Back – Church of the Redeemer

November 26, 2015

DelSuites Gives BackAs the holiday season is nearby, some of the team members of DelSuites gives back to the community in Toronto. After months of planning, our staff made their way to the Church of the Redeemer to help in the kitchen to provide meals for the less fortunate. There was social time enjoyed with the lovely folks who come to the Church of the Redeemer to have breakfast and lunch.

We put together gift bags that included important essentials for those in need and handed them out at the end of the day. Delsuites was happy to be a part of the church’s efforts to help those in need. The Church of the Redeemer seeks to serve the community, feed the poor and stand up for those in society who have no voice. They are a diverse community and the ministry is steeped in prayer, sacrDelSuites Gives Backament, song and scripture.

The Church of the Redeemer in Toronto is known for its community efforts and its progressive stance on social issues. Integrity Toronto worships in the church and the parish uses the Book of Alternative Services. The church is also known for its prominent sign, which usually features a thought provoking quotation, scripture or meditation. This much loved community landmark also often features concerts from musical performers, such as the Canadian group the Great Lake Swimmers.

The Value of Volunteers
“Volunteers become part of our community very quickly, not only because of the gifts and time they give to us, but because of the humanity they bring to the spDelSuites Gives Backace,” said Angie Hocking, the Outreach Coordinator.
“It is often said by volunteers that they walked away with more than they gave- and that is what we want to do- educate, inspire, and show the world how special and valued our community is here,” said Hocking. “Volunteers are not only helpful for the day, but they carry with them their experience to bring hope and a better world. We couldn’t do what we do without them- both inside and outside our doors!”

The Church of the Redeemer – Supporting Those in Need
The Drop in Meal program at the Church is available from Monday to Friday from 9am until noon. It welcomes anyone wDelSuites Gives Backho is homeless, living in shelters, struggling, tired or simply needing a place to belong. Anyone can come in and enjoy a hot breakfast and lunch, every day from Monday through Friday. The event takes place in the basement of the church, which is located on Bloor St. West and Avenue Road.

The church also offers medical and nursing services twice per week, as well as counselling. Participants in the program will also receive housing and employment assistance, referrals and legal services.
Volunteers are welcome for the Drop in Meal program, so if you want to do as Delsuites gives back to the community, you can contact the church and find out more about donating your time.