Common Relocation Mistakes to Avoid - Delsuites' Blog

Common Relocation Mistakes

July 12, 2019

Relocating to somewhere new is a complex process. Avoid these common relocation mistakes so you can make sure it goes smoothly.

Not Researching Your New Destination

Before relocating somewhere new, it’s important to do some research so that you know what to expect. Visit the city several times and explore the neighbourhood where you plan to live. This will give you a much clearer picture of what you can expect when you move.

You can even do a test run, driving from your potential new home to your new office and getting to know your way around the neighborhood. It makes a huge difference.

Not Getting Insurance

Your move can suddenly become much more costly if something expensive is dropped or damaged and you don’t have insurance.

Make sure that you ask about this when you choose to hire a moving company, so that you can get the coverage you need for your belongings. (Read the fine print to make sure you understand what you are covered for.) Most good moving companies will offer insurance that will cover your belongings when you are relocating.

Not Planning for Temporary Housing

When you move, you may need to arrange for some temporary housing, so that you will have somewhere to stay in between arriving in the city and when you can take possession of your new home. After all, it’s hardly ever a seamless transition from one home to the next. This sometimes only takes a few days, but it can take up to a month or more depending on the situation.

Furnished apartments are a much better option than staying in a hotel or a motel, as they offer you more space, better amenities, a prime location and a kitchen.

Not Getting Rid of Stuff

One of the biggest relocation mistakes that many people make when they move is that they pack everything they own, rather than going through it first and getting rid of what they don’t need.

There are probably many boxes in your closet that you haven’t opened in years and many items of clothing in the back of your closet that you hardly ever wear. Why take the time and effort to move them somewhere else if you aren’t going to use them when you are there either? Instead, pare down your possessions to the minimum, so that you will have less hassle when moving.

Not Labeling Your Boxes Well

If you forget to label your boxes, you will end up arriving at your destination with a bunch of stuff, but no memory of what is in each box. This means that you will spend hours searching through boxes just to find what you are looking for and the unpacking process will be so much more chaotic and frustrating.

Avoid These Common Relocation Mistakes

These are just a few of the most important mistakes to avoid when you are relocating, so that you can make sure that your move will go as smoothly as possible!

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