Stay Productive While Remote Working | DelSuites
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5 Ways You Can Stay Productive While Working Remotely

June 3, 2024
working from short-term rentals in toronto

Whether you’re working from home as a result of the lockdown across Toronto, or you have just started a new remote job, adjusting to life without an office can be trickier than you initially imagined. 

While the idea of rolling out of bed at 8:20 a.m. and starting work at 8:30 a.m. sounds like a dream come true to many, after a few days or weeks of remote working, you may find yourself struggling to stay productive.

Here are 5 Ways You Can Stay Productive While Working Remotely

1. Schedule Breaks in Your Day

If you’re struggling to get work done from a remote location, you may think that adding more breaks to your day would be counterproductive. However, studies have shown that carefully scheduled work breaks can improve the quality of the work you produce. 

The Pomodoro Technique is a pretty extreme, regimented version of this concept. In this technique, you. Break your day into 25-minute work periods separated by 5-minute breaks. After four rounds, you will get a longer break of 15 to 20 minutes.

While you may find this structure a bit too intense, it’s still helpful to schedule in breaks. This way, your day will feel more purposeful. Because you have set break times, you’ll stop feeling aimless as you work. Instead, you’ll begin working towards mini-deadlines throughout the day. 

2. Set Up a Remote Working “Office” in Your Home

Asian business woman work from home and stretching her body because feel tired and sleepyafter working on computer, smart female working at home. Lifestyle woman relax after working at home concept.

Whether you’re working at home, or you’re staying and working in one of our downtown Toronto apartments, it’s inevitable that your workspace and your living space will somewhat overlap. Many remote workers make the mistake of getting a little too comfortable when working at home. While you may love the idea of grabbing your laptop and typing away while still in bed, this can be a seriously unproductive setup. 

In order to trick the mind into feeling productive, you need to feel like you are in a work environment. Set up a well-lit, organized desk in your home that will serve as your office. Be vigilant about using this area for work and only for work. This way, your muscle memory will get in the habit of treating this home office as a special place of productivity, and you should find it easier to get stuff done.

3. Turn Off Your Phone

The modern world is filled with constant distractions — and most of them originate from our smartphone devices. In 2017, a shocking study revealed that Americans tend to check their phones once every 12 minutes on average. No wonder we find it so hard to concentrate and keep our levels of productivity up!

To keep your mind focused on what you’re doing, remove this major distraction by turning off your device, or, even better, by sticking it in a drawer. This way, you won’t be tempted to absent-mindedly open Twitter or Instagram every few minutes throughout the day.

4. Use Video Conferencing to Maintain Contact With Colleagues

toronto short term rental zoom call

If you’re used to working in a close-knit team, you may be finding remote working conditions pretty tricky. Working alongside colleagues can help us to feel inspired and motivated. When we get stuck, we can bounce around ideas; when we get bored, we can have a quick chat, and then get back to it. 

In order to maintain a sense of teamwork and community, try to schedule a few Zoom sessions a week with your colleagues. This will break up the monotony of at-home working, plus, it will give you a much-needed boost in energy so that you can finish off your week with high levels of productivity. 

5. Get Outside

When we commute to an office every day, we are forced to spend at least a few minutes in the fresh air. However, many remote workers find that they can go days on end without seeing the sun. Aside from the dangers of developing vitamin D definitely, a lack of outdoor time can be pretty stifling for the mind. 

Try to find time to get outside for a daily walk. The fresh air and change of scenery can help you to rethink problems, while the exercise will boost your energy levels for the rest of the day.

Our downtown Toronto apartments are all perfectly situated near some of the city’s best parks so that you can step out your door for a quick stroll, and find yourself in a green oasis in just a few short minutes.

Discover Toronto Short-Term Rentals With DelSuites Today

Are you looking for short-term rentals in Toronto? Our downtown Toronto apartments are perfect for students and professionals alike. Whether you need to work from your new home, or you need a base in the downtown area, DelSuites has you covered.

We can help you find the perfect place to call home. Get in touch with our sales team today by calling 647-370-4313.

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