Take Our Kids to Work Day with DelSuites - Delsuites' Blog
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Take Our Kids to Work Day with DelSuites

November 6, 2014

On Wednesday November 5th, Tridel and the Group of Companies participated in Take Our Kids to Work. All grade 9 students were welcome to our offices to experience a day in the life of an adult.

Take Our Kids to WorkTM is an annual national program in which Grade 9 (or equivalent) students are hosted by parents, friends, relatives and volunteers at workplaces across the country every November.

The goal of The Take Our Kids To Work program is to help students:

    • Develop an appreciation for the importance of staying in school and getting a high school diploma and pursuing post-secondary studies
    • Gain exposure to the skills required in today’s workplace
    • Develop an appreciation for their parents or relatives’ roles in supporting their families
    • Begin career discussions with adults about the work they do
    • Explore career options in a practical way

Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of Take Our Kids to Work Program. DelSuites was very proud to take part in this program. We hope Nasim had a great day and learned alot from the reservations, guest services and marketing departments!


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