Turn Your Income Property into a Stress-Free, Short Term Rental Investment - Delsuites' Blog
Lifestyle talk, Toronto Condos

Turn Your Income Property into a Stress-Free, Short Term Rental Investment

March 24, 2014

Between shoveling snow in the winter and mowing the lawn the rest of the year, if you own a rental property and your own home – finding the time to maintain it can be a tough call. And when tenants give their notice (yet again), well, let’s not even think about how exhausting it can be to find replacements. But what if there was a low-maintenance way to guarantee your property would be leased for several years? Does this sound like a dream? Well, as it turns out, DelSuites can make it a reality.

3d home with key on Pile of gold coinsThrough the DelSuites Guaranteed Lease Program, homeowners will benefit from the ease and convenience of having a fixed term lease including a secure income stream. Homeowners are given the option for customizing a lease agreement with DelSuites that is set for either a three, five or 10 year term. Providing both short and long term rentals, DelSuites’ clients are reliable individuals and families, many of whom are business travelers regularly staying at one of DelSuites’ condominium suites or home rental properties.

By partnering with DelSuites, homeowners have the benefit of a dedicated team of staff with more than 15 years of expertise which not only ensures that the property provides a consistent source of income, but that it’s also exceptionally maintained and inspected professionally throughout the duration of the lease agreement. As part of the agreement, DelSuites will fully furnish the home according to the company’s branded design standards – an added benefit that means homeowners aren’t responsible for maintaining warranties on furnishing or the home’s electronic features. Along with this stress-free lease agreement, homeowners are also able to take advantage of a five percent discount on all DelSuites rental properties. This means that accommodating your spouse’s family or your college roommates just got little easier. Find out how you can make your long-term investment a hassle-free experience by signing up here.

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